Quantum computers are upon us, and as software engineers it is our duty to design and realize the interfaces to program such devices. Current approaches to quantum computing are dreadful, usually defining no-code plataforms to use in simulated environments, or at best using Python interfaces to program quantum systems.
Such a trend follows the current disconnect between the use of the symplest and mos basic languages or programming abstractions to build the most sophisticated systems using extreemly convoluted theory and technologies. The results are, not surprisingly, software systems that just do not meet their expectations or hype.
In this project we will investigate current programmign interfaces for quantum programming supported by real programming languages in two phases. In the first phase, we will build a compendium of quantum programming languages and systems providing a conscious analysis of their expressivenes, easy, and use.
In the second phase, we will focuse on building real quantum programs executed on real hardware devices to showcase the usability of dedicated quantum programming languages in the real world. A byproduct of the built programs will be a catalog of examples an tutorials showcasing the capabilities of quantum programming in constrained hardware conditions (i.e., using 3 Q-bits). As such the catalog will constitute the first corpus for quantum programming evaluation.